The future of renewable energy

For a long time, we have known that the planet is warming. Whenever we switch on our lights or turn on our boiler for heating and hot water, we emit greenhouse gasses into our atmosphere that traps heat and causes the planets temperature to rise. 

Many people in the UK are making their homes more renewable. This can be because of wanting to cut the costs of fuel bills, a desire to have the latest smart appliances and technology or wanting to do their part for the environment. All over the UK households are now living a low-carbon life by harnessing the resources in nature for heat and energy. 

By 2030 the UK has made a legal commitment to itself to reduce greenhouse gas pollution 57%, which will mean by 2050 the UK would have reduced pollution by 80%. By switching to low-carbon, renewable energy we have a much better chance of achieving these targets. 

“We need to leave at least 75% of known fossil fuels in the ground to have even a chance of avoiding two degrees Celsius climate change.”

– Alasdair Cameron,
Friends of the Earth


Renewable Heat Incentive


Solar-powered hot water