Welcome to your

of Renewables

Make The Switch


Make The Switch ~


Switching to greener energy is easier than you think.


At Easylife Energy we take into consideration your type of home, your family situation and your budget to come up with green solutions that benefit you perfectly.


Types of Renewable Energy

  • Solar power works by converting energy from the sun into power. It used to be seen as an expensive or an elite option but solar-powered energy options for everyday homes has become affordable.

  • Wind power or wind energy is mostly the use of wind turbines to generate electricity. However we can’t all have a turbine in our garden so talk to one of our experts about wind energy at home.

  • Hydroelectric power is produced with moving water such as waves and waterfalls. If you have water flowing through your property, you might consider building a small hydropower system to generate electricity.

  • Tidal energy is a form of power produced by the natural rise and fall of tides caused by the gravitational interaction between Earth, the sun, and the moon. A tidal project in Scottish waters just generated enough electricity to power nearly 4,000 homes.

  • Geothermal energy is heat derived within the sub-surface of the earth by using steam to produce electricity. A geothermal HVAC system can provide a house with heating, cooling and even hot water. It can function as a furnace, air conditioner and water heater.

  • Biomass energy is energy generated or produced by living or once-living organisms. Most electricity generated from biomass is produced by direct combustion. Biomass heating systems burn wood pellets, chips or logs to provide warmth in a single room or to power central heating and hot water boilers.


Electric Vehicles

Have you decided to upgrade to electric?

We don’t blame you! The benefits are huge!

Which home EV charger is right for you? There are a few different things to think about when picking your home electric car charging point.


EV Charging Home Installation.

You can have an EV charger installed at home! It's easy and cost-effective. Did you know to be able to install EV charge points, you will need a qualified and competent electrician.

  • No, planning permission is not required for the installation of wall-mounted electric vehicle charging points but it should be notified under building regulations.

  • There’s a huge variety of ranges, but you can expect to pay between £500 - £1600.00 depending on the charging point you go for.

  • With increased usage there will be an uplift for accurate pricing please consult your supplier.



At Easylife Energy we can Retrofit family homes, commercial properties, new homes and more. Retrofitting not only cuts carbon emissions, it can also make it cheaper to heat your homes and overcomes issues around poor ventilation and damp. Retrofit takes a whole fabric approach to your home assessing every aspect of heat loss to your home and how to improve it.

That means it will work!


Renewing your home.

Switching your home energy doesn’t need to be filled with jargon and technicalities. Get to know what goes into “retrofitting” your home.

  • Retrofit is simply the process of making changes to your home to cut ultimately carbon emissions. Retrofitting provides the benefit of a more comfortable and healthier home with lower fuel bills.

  • Renewable energy is simply power derived from natural sources or processes that are constantly replenished.


Smart Tech.

Living in a smart tech-installed home provides many practical and functional advances plus home entertainment opportunities for your family, tenants and staff.

A World of Opportunity


A World of Opportunity 〰️


Tech-fying home.

SMART technology means “Self-Monitoring Analysis and Reporting Technology”.

  • Smart Tech helps you stay connected to your home while on the go. Connect to your home devices through your phone, watch, and more.

  • Tell your speaker to turn off the lights, stream music from your wrist, turn down the temperature using your phone and much more.

  • At Easylife we have a range of brands in smart home technology and professionally install them with minimal disruption.


Air Source.

An air source pump is an alternative way to heat your home. It will enable you to generate your own renewable heat and potentially save money on your energy bills.

Generate Your Own Renewable Heat


Generate Your Own Renewable Heat 〰️


Time to ditch your oil boiler? Fit an air source heat pump.

An air source heat pump is a low-carbon way of heating your home. They absorb latent heat from the outside air and use it to increase the temperature inside your home.

  • Air source heat pumps are efficient both in the winter and summer, thanks to an outstanding SCOP (seasonal coefficient of performance)

  • Heat pumps can save you more on your heating bills if you're replacing an expensive system such as electric storage heaters, oil, LPG or coal, rather than gas.

  • Air source heat pumps look similar to air-conditioning units. An air source heat pump takes heat from the air and boosts it to a higher temperature using a compressor. It then transfers the heat to the heating system in your home.

    They work a bit like refrigerators in reverse.


Underfloor Heating.

An air source pump is an alternative way to heat your home. It will enable you to generate your own renewable heat and potentially save money on your energy bills.

Keeping Cosy


Keeping Cosy 〰️


Regulating Heat

While radiators have to work hard and burn through more energy to increase the temperature in a room, the large surface area that underfloor heating covers make the task easier and quicker.

  • Underfloor heating used to be considered a luxury product but now it’s seen as an energy efficient investment.

  • Underfloor heating generally operates at a lower temperature when compared to standard radiators.

  • The even distribution of heat also allows a room to heat up more quickly and stay warm.


Solar PV.

Solar electricity panels AKA photovoltaics (PV), capture the sun’s energy and convert it into electricity that you can use in your home.

Your Own Renewable Electricity


Your Own Renewable Electricity 〰️


Generate your own renewable electricity.

A solar PV panel consists of many cells made from layers of semi-conducting material, when light shines on this material, a flow of electricity is created.

  • Once you’ve paid for the initial installation, your electricity costs will be reduced.

  • You can combine solar PV with other renewable technologies such as heat pumps or solar hot water systems.

  • The cells don’t need direct sunlight to work and can even work on cloudy days. However, the stronger the sunshine, the more electricity generated.