Why you should swap to renewable energy in your home.

The use of fossil fuels for energy produces a significant amount of greenhouse gas emissions which greatly contributes to global warming. The emissions that are produced when using renewable energy results in little to no emissions. 

Fossil fuels like oil, coal and natural gas are not renewable because their quantities are finite. This means as we draw closer to exhausting these resources, they will become much more expensive to use. 

 Renewable energy is a more economically-viable energy source. Natural resources like the sun, wind and thermal energy from the earth's crust are in abundance and is available nearly everywhere. Being that they are produced naturally it causes very little, if any, damage to the environment. 

“We need to leave at least 75% of known fossil fuels in the ground to have even a chance of avoiding two degrees Celsius climate change.”

– Alasdair Cameron,
Friends of the Earth


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Renewable Heat Incentive